Your Headhunter for the Position Brand Manager

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  • Eigens entwickelter Algorithmus und teilautomatisierte Multi-Channel Suche garantieren passende Kandidaten und durchschnittliche Besetzungszeiten von 90 Tagen
  • Kontinuierliche Datenanalyse ermöglicht schnelle Optimierung des Suchprozesses
  • Durchschnittliche Vorstellung erster Kandidaten innerhalb von 30 Tagen
Expertise im Gesundheitswesen
  • Spezialisierte Recruiting Teams kommunizieren mit den Kandidaten auf Augenhöhe und verstehen Ihre Erwartungen
  • Netzwerk aus über 450.000 Kontakten in unserer internen Datenbank
  • Besuch und Sponsoring von über 20 Messen pro Jahr

Sinceritas is your headhunter for marketing professionals in healthcare and life science

A Brand Manager is a key figure in developing, positioning and maintaining a company's brand identity.  With an in-depth understanding of the brand and its target audience, he or she works to strengthen the brand image and thus increase the company's appeal. Depending on whether it is a hospital, a pharmaceutical company or a medical technology company, for example, there must also be a precise knowledge of future challenges.  

Recruiting with market analysis

Sinceritas recruiters support you in finding the best candidates. With many years of experience, our employees offer a wide range of expertise and are continuously educating themselves.  This enables us to respond to current or future developments and quickly provide an initial market analysis. In addition, our data-driven search engine delivers initial results within 30 days. In this way, we can find the right brand management for the future of your company, exactly according to your ideas.

Brand strategy and its monitoring

One of our main tasks is to develop and implement a long-term brand strategy. This includes the definition of the brand value, the brand promise and the brand positioning. A brand manager analyses the market, conducts competitive analyses and identifies opportunities for brand development. Based on this information, he or she develops marketing and communication strategies to promote the brand and achieve a competitive advantage.

In the hospital, for example, this means working closely with employer branding. In this way, he or she ensures that the company is perceived as an attractive employer and appeals to the right target group. For companies that are severely affected by staff shortages, this cooperation is elementary.

But brand management must also be able to work well with other departments. Be it with creative teams, graphic designers and advertising agencies to oversee the design of marketing materials. Or with product management, sales and marketing teams to ensure brand consistency.

Finally, a Brand Manager is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating the success of the brand strategy. He or she analyses the brand's performance based on metrics such as sales performance, brand awareness and customer satisfaction. Based on these findings, he or she identifies potential for improvement and develops measures to further optimize the brand.

This is crucial in the pharmaceutical industry, for example, because marketing must comply with regulatory requirements and laws. In addition, a strategy must adapt to constantly changing technologies and therapies. In the end, to be able to overlook the long research times until the launch of a new product, planning and continuous brand management must be ensured. Good brand management thus creates targeted revenue generation.

Recruitment within 90 days

Sinceritas supports your search. With the help of our specially developed search algorithm, we are able to find and present suitable candidates for your vacancy as quickly as possible. We can therefore deliver initial hires within 90 days and continue to support you with employee retention. Sinceritas advises and supports our clients throughout the entire recruiting process. Feel free to contact us, we are looking forward to your inquiry!


Are you looking for new employees?

Katharina List

+49 40 211 076

Are you looking for a new job?

Inga Strache

+49 40 211 076 229

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