As a branch of internal medicine, gastroenterology deals with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as well as all organs of the digestive tract. From the esophagus to the liver to the pancreas. Various examination methods are available for this purpose, which a senior physician overlooks flawlessly. This is because she or he has at least two years of professional experience as a specialist. The Senior Physician is an important, middle management position in a clinic or medical care center.
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In the hierarchy of the hospital or medical care center, the chief physician heads a clinic. In contrast to these chief positions, the senior physician is much involved with the patients. There are several examination measures.
The most common methods of a gastroenterologist include colonoscopy, ileocolonoscopy and gastroscopy (esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy). Furthermore ultrasound and laboratory tests are used for diagnosis and treatment.
Already today, these examination methods are supported by AI (artificial intelligence). One example is capsule endoscopy. In this non-invasive procedure, a mini-camera embedded in a capsule is swallowed. This allows images to be taken directly from the large or small intestine. They are either recorded or even observed live. The camera capsule remains in the intestine until it is naturally excreted again after 9-14 hours. In this way, for example, inflammatory processes such as in “Krohn's disease” or bleeding can be accurately diagnosed. It can also be used as a preventive measure for colorectal cancer. Patients benefit from capsule endoscopy, as a possibly repeated colonoscopy is avoided.
This exciting development is being continuously expanded. As yet, no interventions can be performed through the capsule, as in colonoscopy. So no polyps or tissue samples can be taken, just as no drugs can be given. However, research is being conducted to make this possible and could lead to personalized diagnoses and treatment in the future. This would also counteract the shortage of specialists.
This is because gastroenterology is less popular than other medical specialist training. In addition, chief physicians are the least likely to apply for these positions.
It is therefore all the more important to be able to find the right candidates in a targeted and professional manner. With our Executive Search, we find your ideal candidate confidentially and precisely. In order to hire this candidate as quickly as possible, we provide consulting services. We are pleased to support you, contact us via one of our channels!
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