Your Headhunter for the Position General Practitioner

Fachliche Spezialisierung und Netzwerk

  • Tiefes Branchenwissen:

    Aktuelles Know-How über Prozesse und Strukturen diverser Funktionen und Sektoren.
  • Netzwerk:

    Zehntausende Kontaktpunkte mit Entscheider:innen durch mehr als 100 Events und jährlich > 800 Mandate.
  • Expert:innen:

    Partner:innen mit Branchenexpertise und spezialisierte Recruiting Teams agieren auf Augenhöhe.

Recruiting-Exzellenz und Kundenzentrierung

  • Langjährige Erfahrung:

    Best in Class Recruiting Know-how aus Zusammenarbeit mit über 2.500 Unternehmen in 12 Jahren.
  • Ganzheitliche Beratung:

    Expertise u.a. in Profildefinition, Sourcing, Personalauswahl, Employer Branding und Candidate Journey.
  • Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen:

    Individuelles Angebot basierend auf den spezifischen Anforderungen des Kunden.


  • Mehr passende Kandidat:innen: 

    Kombination aus eigener Recruiting Software und externen Netzwerken / Tools.
  • Datengetriebene Insights:

    Zugang zu relevanten Daten für faktenbasierte Beratung, Prozessoptimierung und Gehaltsanalysen.
  • Sehr hohe Qualität:

    Effiziente Prozesse sind softwareseitig abgebildet und unterstützen Consultants bei der täglichen Arbeit.

Sinceritas is your headhunter for General Practitioners

Medical practitioners have to care for a wide range of age groups and diseases. In addition, they are at the interface with other specialised medical consultants. The medical specialist in general medicine has completed a further training of at least 60 months after their licence to practise medicine (germ. Approbation). Consequently, specialists in general medicine not only have broad knowledge, but also have broad experience.

Success through expertise

In order to find such a specialist for you, Sinceritas supports hospitals as well as medical practices or the life science industry.
Our employees have many years of expertise in this field. In addition, they are constantly educating themselves, for example by attending trade fairs.
A consultation with our experts can help you to specify your expectations. Sinceritas can also filter out the soft skills of the candidates. This is all the more necessary as various challenges arise in the recruitment of physicians.

General medicine in practice

Trained professionals of general medicine often set up their own practice in primary care. Their ability to diagnose diseases across the board is just as much in demand here as their ability to recognise the social concerns of patients. In general practice, people are accompanied for years. A sound knowledge of disease patterns in children and adolescents up to old age is necessary. A general practitioner is therefore just as familiar with palliative medicine as with cancer care. He or she recognises addiction problems and infectious diseases.

However, there is still a great shortage of general practitioners, especially in rural areas. This is despite the fact that general medicine, along with internal medicine, is one of the most popular specialities in continuing medical education. The fact is that the number of newly licensed physicians is stagnating and will probably cause a shortage of physicians in the future.

At the same time, many physicians complain about the lack of time and the high administrative burden - whether in primary care or in the hospital.

Advancing digitization can help reduce the administrative effort. Likewise, the demand for video consultation has increased since the corona pandemic. Finally, in diagnostics, artificial intelligence (AI) is already providing great help in processing immense amounts of data. For life science, a general practitioner can be of great influence in this area.

Targeted research and best candidates

This makes it all the more important to be able to fill vacancies with the best candidates in a competitive market. Let Sinceritas help you do just that. Our database contains more than 450,000 contacts, and our algorithmised search leads to quick results. In this way we can also find "hidden candidates''. Contact us, we will be happy to advise you! 


Are you looking for new employees?

Katharina List

+49 40 211 076

Are you looking for a new job?

Inga Strache

+49 40 211 076 229

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